Are you speaking into the void?

Strategies for Coaches to Attract the Right Audience

+ FREE Buyer Persona Session

Alright, let’s get straight to the point: if you’re a coach and you’re frustrated with your social media being packed with people who just…aren’t your people, I feel you. We’ve all been there. Your follower count is looking great, but the engagement? Nada. And trust me, a thousand followers who couldn’t care less about your message is as useful as an empty room.

So, what’s the issue? It’s not about the numbers; it’s about the right people.

Targeted Content: Speak Directly to the People Who Need You

Here’s a harsh truth: if your message is vague and tries to cater to everyone, it ends up resonating with no one. You need to speak to the specific pain points of your ideal client. But here’s the kicker—this requires knowing exactly who you’re talking to. It’s time to get clear on your personas.

Think about this: are your followers struggling with time management or burnout? Craft content that provides them with quick, actionable steps to manage their day better. And don’t leave them hanging—invite them to engage with your content, whether it’s through a comment or booking a discovery call.

The Internet is Personality-Driven

Here’s a reality check: the internet loves personalities. People don’t just want solutions—they want to connect with someone they feel they know, trust, and maybe even like. So, drop the polished, “everything’s perfect” façade and show them the real you. Share your journey, your failures, the things you’ve learned from your own struggles. Authenticity builds trust faster than any ad campaign ever could.

And guess what? When people feel like they know you, they’re more likely to stick around, engage, and eventually—convert.

Use Social Ads—But Don’t Go Overboard

I know, I know—I’ve just told you to focus on engagement rather than follower count, but this is where ads can actually help. Social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram let you target audiences down to the last detail. No more shouting into the void—you can show your content to the right people, those who are more likely to engage.

But—and this is important—don’t rely solely on ads. Ads should complement your strategy, not drive it.

Use Your Analytics: Follow the Data

Let’s stop guessing what’s working and what’s not. You’ve got analytics tools at your disposal—use them. Whether it’s Google Analytics for your website or insights on social media platforms, the data is right there to show you who’s engaging with your content, how they found you, and what they care about.

Start tracking your audience’s behavior. See which posts get the most clicks, shares, or comments, and use that information to shape your next move. You might be surprised at what resonates with your audience versus what you think works.

Leverage Your Existing Network

This is where most people drop the ball. You’ve got a network of past clients, current connections, and even fellow coaches, and you’re not tapping into that goldmine. Seriously, word-of-mouth is still as powerful as ever. Reach out to your satisfied clients, encourage them to share their experiences, or offer them incentives to refer new clients.

Collaborate with Other Experts

Collaboration is the name of the game. You can double or even triple your exposure by partnering with other coaches or experts in related fields. Host a joint webinar, team up for live social media sessions, or co-create content. You’re not just introducing your audience to them—you’re also being introduced to theirs. That’s a win-win.

Optimize Your SEO for Organic Growth

Finally, let’s talk SEO. It’s not glamorous, but it works. When people are searching for help at 2 a.m., you want your content to be the answer they find. It’s about showing up when your potential clients are actively searching for solutions. And this doesn’t mean just throwing keywords into a blog—it’s about creating content that truly answers their questions.

So, as you can see, it’s not about having the biggest audience—it’s about building a community that cares. Focus on bringing in people who engage, who respond to your message, and who are ready to act. So, stop chasing the numbers, and start focusing on the quality of the audience you’re building.

With the right strategy—authentic content, targeted ads, leveraging networks, smart use of analytics, and collaborating—you’ll find that your coaching business grows in the most meaningful way. Because at the end of the day, it’s not just about getting seen—it’s about being understood and chosen.

If you’d like to have your persona built by specialists, book us for a free session

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