Don’t Buy Ads—Do This Instead!

Shhh, settle down, the boss said it’s my time on the soapbox.
So, you’ve just launched your coaching business, and everyone’s telling you that you need to buy ads to get your name out there. It’s tempting, right? Ads feel like a quick fix. Pay some money, get some visibility, clients flood in—simple, right?


Here’s the thing: if you’re new, dumping money into ads is like throwing a bucket of water at a forest fire. It’s expensive, short-lived, and—let’s be real—not very effective when you don’t yet have a solid foundation.

So, what’s the alternative? Let’s dive in.

Focus on Organic Growth

The first thing you should be focusing on is building a foundation through organic marketing. This means putting in the work to create content, engage with people, and establish yourself as an authority in your niche. Yeah, it takes more time than launching an ad, but it’s infinitely more sustainable.

Start by crafting content that speaks directly to your audience’s pain points. Are your potential clients struggling with work-life balance? Create posts, videos, or even podcasts that help them solve that problem—without asking for anything in return. That’s how you build trust, and trust is what gets people to open their wallets later.

Build Relationships—Not Clicks

Instead of burning your budget on ads, spend that time building actual relationships. Go where your audience is hanging out—Facebook groups, LinkedIn, or even Instagram. Don’t just post and pray; engage with their posts, leave meaningful comments, answer questions.

This might seem slow, but relationships are the currency of long-term success in coaching. People want to hire coaches they know, like, and trust. Ads don’t build that; conversations do.

Leverage Your Network

I can’t emphasize this enough—use your network! If you’ve got past clients, ask them to share their experiences. If you’re just starting, partner with other professionals who serve the same audience. Maybe you can offer a free webinar together or create some joint content that positions both of you as experts.

Word of mouth and referrals can do what ads can’t—build credibility.

Create Valuable, Shareable Content

One of the best things you can do as a new coach is create content that people actually want to share. Think free resources like guides, worksheets, or checklists that solve a specific problem for your target audience.

And don’t just post it once. Repurpose that content across all platforms. A blog post can become a video, a video can become an email, and so on. This doesn’t just get your name out there; it positions you as a go-to source for valuable advice.

Optimize for SEO Early

Here’s something a lot of new coaches overlook—SEO. You’re probably thinking, “But I don’t even have a huge website yet.” Doesn’t matter. SEO is about the long game. By optimizing your content now—your blogs, your service pages—you’re laying the groundwork for organic traffic that will keep bringing clients to you for years without spending a dime on ads.

This doesn’t mean just cramming keywords into your content. It’s about creating valuable, well-structured content that answers the questions your audience is already searching for. You want them to find you when they Google “how to find a life coach” at 3 a.m.

Use Your Analytics to Improve

You’ve heard me talk about the importance of data before, and it applies here too. Before you even think about paying for ads, you should know exactly what’s working and what’s not. Dive into your analytics—see which posts are getting engagement, which pages on your website are being visited most, and adjust your strategy accordingly.

Why pay for ads when you can use real-time data to make smarter, more informed decisions about your content and how you engage with potential clients?

Look, I’m not saying ads are evil. There’s a time and place for them. But when you’re just starting out, the last thing you need is to throw money at a solution without a solid foundation in place.

Start by investing time in organic growth, building relationships, and creating valuable content. In the long run, these strategies will serve you far better than any ad campaign ever could. And when you do eventually run ads? You’ll be speaking to an audience that already knows who you are—and is ready to buy.

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