Coaches, Are People Understanding Your Message?

Personas Can Help Coaches Get More Clients

+ FREE Buyer Persona Session

I’ve seen it before. You’re pouring your heart and expertise into your content, but the response? Crickets. Or worse, polite nods that signal they didn’t really get it. As a coach, your message is everything—it’s what connects you to your audience and drives transformation. But if that message isn’t landing, you’re throwing darts in the dark.

The Problem: One Message Doesn’t Fit All

Let’s face it, no matter how good you are, a generic message won’t resonate with everyone. You’re likely working with different types of clients, each with their own goals, pain points, and dreams. Yet, it’s so easy to fall into the trap of sending the same message to all of them and wondering why you’re getting lukewarm reactions.

That’s where personas come in. If you’re not familiar with the concept, it’s time to change that—this could be the game-changer for your digital marketing as a coach.

Why Personas Matter: Stop the Guesswork

Personas are fictional representations of your ideal clients, built from real data and research. The goal? To humanize the people you’re trying to reach. Think of them as more than just “entrepreneurs” or “small business owners.” They have unique personalities, specific challenges, and different communication preferences.

For example, did you know that 90% of your sales come from just 3 to 4 personas? That’s right. Instead of trying to speak to everyone, focus on these key personas and fine-tune your message to address their specific needs. That’s how you turn general interest into engaged followers—and ultimately, clients.

If you’re aiming to get more clients as a coach, understanding who you’re speaking to and personalizing your message can make all the difference.
For Example: Tailoring Your Message

Let’s say you work with both new entrepreneurs and seasoned executives. They’re both part of your target audience, right? But their needs and how they process information couldn’t be more different. The entrepreneur might be hungry for quick wins and action plans, while the executive is looking for strategic insights and a refined approach. If you speak to both in the same way, you’ll lose them.

Crafting Personas: No Guesswork Allowed

Here’s the trick: personas aren’t based on imagination. They’re rooted in data. Look at your existing clients—what patterns emerge? Who are your most engaged followers on social media? What problems are they vocal about? Take all of that, throw in a bit of competitor research, and you’ve got the makings of your personas.

For SEO for coaches, building accurate personas can guide your content creation. Tools like Google Analytics, market research, and competitor analysis can give you the insights you need to construct personas that accurately represent your audience. When you address their unique pain points and desires, the clarity of your message improves dramatically.

Example Personas for Coaches:

Sarah the Startup Struggler: She’s a solopreneur in her first year, always on the lookout for quick, actionable advice because she’s juggling everything herself.

Paul the Polished Professional: He’s got years of experience, and he’s more interested in deep dives into leadership and scaling his business.

Now, when you create content or a social post, you’ll know exactly who you’re talking to. And here’s the best part—when your message aligns with their pain points and desires, you’re not just talking at them. You’re speaking with them.

So, if people aren’t getting your message, the problem isn’t necessarily the message itself. It could be that you’re trying to talk to everyone with one voice. Personas help you tailor your content to different segments of your audience, making your message clearer, stronger, and more relatable.

So, if your posts are filled with crickets or confused replies, it’s time to ask yourself: Am I speaking to my audience in a way that truly resonates? Chances are, some well-developed personas can help you fix that. And remember, focusing on just 3 to 4 key personas can help you get more clients as a coach and elevate your digital marketing for coaches strategy.

If you’d like to have your persona built by specialists, book us for a free session

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