
Strategies for Coaches to Attract the Right Audience

Alright, let’s get straight to the point: if you’re a coach and you’re frustrated with your social media being packed with people who just…aren’t your people, I feel you. We’ve all been there. Your follower count is looking great, but the engagement? Nada. And trust me, a thousand followers who couldn’t care less about your

Strategies for Coaches to Attract the Right Audience Read More »

Personas Can Help Coaches Get More Clients

I’ve seen it before. You’re pouring your heart and expertise into your content, but the response? Crickets. Or worse, polite nods that signal they didn’t really get it. As a coach, your message is everything—it’s what connects you to your audience and drives transformation. But if that message isn’t landing, you’re throwing darts in the

Personas Can Help Coaches Get More Clients Read More »

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