Coaches, are you still deciding between

Inbound vs Outbound Marketing?

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Alright, settle in, because today, I’m giving you the blueprint on how to bring clients to you—without throwing money at ads or chasing people down. This is about inbound marketing, the art of attraction. Think of it like setting up a magnet that pulls in your ideal clients rather than running around with a megaphone trying to get everyone’s attention.

What’s the Difference Between Inbound and Outbound Marketing?

Before we dive into the tips, let’s quickly clarify the difference between inbound and outbound marketing—because understanding this shift is key to building a sustainable business.

  • Outbound Marketing is the old-school, “interruptive” style where you chase after potential clients. Think cold calls, direct mail, or ads that pop up in someone’s face. It’s aggressive, disruptive, and requires a thick skin because most people don’t like being interrupted.
  • Inbound Marketing, on the other hand, is all about attracting potential clients to you through valuable content and nurturing relationships. Rather than chasing people down, you create content that speaks to their pain points and solutions they’re searching for. It’s more organic, less pushy, and designed to pull the right people toward your business.

And here’s why inbound marketing is a game-changer:
According to HubSpot’s 2011 research, companies that adopt an inbound marketing approach see:

  • 55% more visitors to their website if they have a blog.
  • 97% more inbound links organically, improving SEO.
  • 434% more indexed pages on Google, giving them a bigger digital footprint.
  • 69% of companies have successfully used their blog to generate leads.
  • 57% have converted at least one client through their blog.
  • And, here’s the kicker: inbound marketing costs 62% less per lead than outbound marketing.

With that said, let’s break down the top 5 inbound marketing strategies you can start using right now.

1. Content is King, but Consistency is Queen

We’ve all heard that content is king, and while that’s true, I’d argue that consistency is queen, and let’s be honest—she runs the show. You can’t just drop one blog post or video and expect the floodgates to open. Nope. You’ve got to be consistently putting out valuable content that resonates with your audience. What are their pain points? What are they struggling with?

Create blogs, videos, podcasts—whatever works for you—but get it out there regularly. And make sure it’s actually helpful, not just fluff. The more consistently you show up, the more you’ll stay on your audience’s radar.

2. SEO: The Long Game That Pays Off

Look, I get it. SEO isn’t the sexy, shiny object everyone likes to talk about. But it’s the unsung hero of inbound marketing. Optimizing your website and content for search engines is how you show up when people are Googling their problems at 2 a.m. You want them to find you when they’re looking for “how to find a business coach” or “how to balance work and life as an entrepreneur.”

The best part? Once you’ve set it up, SEO is like a snowball that keeps growing. You just have to be patient enough to wait for the results.

3. Create Lead Magnets That People Actually Want

Let me be real for a second: nobody wants another generic eBook. If you’re going to use a lead magnet to pull people into your world, it’s got to be something they actually want. Think about a problem that keeps your audience up at night and create a solution in the form of a free guide, worksheet, or template.

Make it so valuable that they’d be willing to pay for it—and then give it away for free. This builds trust, shows you know what you’re talking about, and starts the relationship off on the right foot.

4. Nurture Your Audience with Email

Here’s a truth bomb: email is not dead. In fact, it’s one of the most effective ways to build a relationship with potential clients. But there’s a trick to it—you can’t just spam people with generic sales pitches. That’s a one-way ticket to the “unsubscribe” button.

Instead, use email to nurture your audience. Share valuable insights, tips, or personal stories that resonate with them. Give more than you ask for. Build trust over time, and when you do have something to offer, they’ll be way more likely to pay attention.

5. Make Your Social Media a Conversation, Not a Megaphone

Stop using social media like a billboard where you just throw up posts and hope someone engages. Social media is a two-way street. It’s not about how many followers you have—it’s about how engaged they are.

Ask questions. Start discussions. Respond to comments. The more you can get people involved, the more invested they become in you and your message. And guess what? That means they’re more likely to hire you when they need a coach.

Bonus Tip: Leverage Analytics You know I love data, right? Here’s the thing—none of these tips matter if you’re not tracking what’s working and what’s not. Dive into your analytics regularly. See which blog posts are getting the most traffic, which lead magnets are converting, and which emails are getting the most opens. The more you know, the better you can adjust your strategy to bring in even more clients.

Inbound marketing is the slow burn, but it’s sustainable. It’s about attracting the right clients who are already looking for you—no hard sells, no chasing. And the best part? Once you’ve got it rolling, it keeps working for you even when you’re not.

So, take these tips, apply them, and watch as your coaching business starts to attract the clients who need you most.

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